Impact Monitoring and Evaluation
Through bespoke consultancy projects, we support organisations in developing and embedding programmes for evidence collection, impact monitoring and evaluation of societal impact.
Developing an Impact Framework
Understanding and reporting the impact of a project or programme of work is something that socially motivated organisations are increasingly keen to do. An impact framework provides the tools needed to strategically plan for impact and then monitor and evaluate progress towards that impact
There are four components that make up an impact framework:
A Theory of Change (ToC): helps to articulate, identify and interrogate the chain of linked activities, outcomes and related dependencies needed for an organisation to achieve its desired impact in the world.
Monitoring and evaluation framework (M&E): this is underpinned by ToC and identifies the indicators that will help to monitor progress towards the outputs, outcomes and eventual impact.
Data Planning: monitoring and evaluation for impact frequently identifies gaps in current data collection practices that may need to be addressed to ensure effective implementation and ongoing reporting.
Socialisation: the internal socialisation of the ToC and the M&E framework with the organisation’s staff is important to achieve organisational support and day to day implementation.
The fifth element is, of course, implementation. This is usually the point at which we hand over to the in-house team, with whom we have been working closely throughout the preceding four stages to develop the impact framework. They will apply their organisational and functional knowledge to embed the framework into business as usual.